Your business can become an annual advertising sponsor of Kentucky Birth Coalition. Even if your business is not directly related to birth, you can still be a sponsor.
If you have questions or would like to discuss other sponsorship ideas, please contact us at info@kentuckybirth.org.
KBC reserves the right to approve all sponsors. Below are the annual sponsorship levels.
Annual Sponsorship
- Sponsor Logo on KBC website footer
- Large Sponsor Logo on the KBC sponsorship page
- Sponsor Logo at the bottom of the newsletter
- Sponsor Badge for your website
- Large Sponsor Logo on KBC Sponsorship page
- Sponsor Badge for your website
- Medium Sponsor logo on KBC Sponsorship page
- Sponsor Badge for your website
- Small Sponsor Logo on KBC Sponsorship page
- Sponsor Badge for your website
To become a sponsor, fill out BOTH the form and the payment option below.
If you prefer to pay by check, please e-mail us at info@kentuckybirth.org.