Today, Kentucky Home Birth Coalition volunteer Mary Duke, of Bowling Green, was interviewed on WBKO‘s Midday Live Newscast, to talk about SB85 You can watch the full segment here!
Today, Kentucky Home Birth Coalition volunteer Mary Duke, of Bowling Green, was interviewed on WBKO‘s Midday Live Newscast, to talk about SB85 You can watch the full segment here!
One question we are frequently asked is whether or not it is legal to have a home birth in Kentucky. The short answer is YES, it is legal to have a home birth in Kentucky. There are no laws in Kentucky that specify where a baby can or cannot be born. We’ve all seen a news story where a baby is born on the side of the road while on the way to the hospital (or some similar story). It…
This video presentation gives an overview of home birth and midwifery in Kentucky, and outlines Kentucky Home Birth Coalition’s goal to license direct-entry midwives using the CPM credential.