Use the map below to locate a licensed provider attending home births in your area.
The providers listed here are licensed in Kentucky or in the process of becoming licensed. There may be other non-licensed providers in your area who are not listed. To find additional providers, you will need to speak with individuals in your area as word of mouth and personal recommendations are the best way to find other providers. A few online resources are listed below the map.
It is always your personal responsibility to fully vet any person you are hiring, in any capacity, to be a part of your birth team.
If you are a home birth provider who would like to be listed or have your details updated, please e-mail us.
Most providers will attend births anywhere from 60-90 minutes from where they are based, but this can vary from provider to provider. We recommend you contact the providers closest to you to find out if they travel to your area.
View the Map
If you cannot view the map on this page, trying viewing it here.
Other Resources
The resources listed below can help you connect with others in your area who may be able to provide recommendations for home birth providers in your area. These are not links to provider websites.
Western KY
Facebook Group: Purchase Area Birth Baby and Beyond
Facebook Group: Southern Illinois ImprovingBirth Network
Bowling Green Area
Facebook Group: BabyNet KY
My Sunshine Birth Services
Southern KY-TN Border
Facebook Group: Clarksville Birth, Babies, and Beyond
Facebook Group: Cookeville Birth Community (TN)
Facebook Group: Home Birth Mamas of Tenn-tucky (currently set to secret, you must be friends with someone in the group to be added)
The TN Midwives Association
Henderson/Owensboro Area
Facebook Group: Natural Moms of Owensboro
Eastern KY
The Birthing Year
Facebook Page: East Kentucky Women’s Care Collective
Facebook Group: WV/KY/OH Home Birth Enthusiasts
Louisville Area
Birth Care Network
ICAN of Louisville
Facebook Group: Louisville Home Birth Circle
Facebook Group: Birthing Naturally in Louisville
Lexington Area
Facebook Page: Positive Birth Movement – Lexington, KY
Northern KY
Facebook Group: Northern Kentucky Homebirthers
Facebook Group: Cincinnati Home Birth Circle
Facebook Group: Southwest Ohio Homebirth Circle
Facebook Group: Midwest Homebirth Circle Midwife Reviews