On March 13, 2025, the Kentucky Senate passed HB90 by a vote of 29 yes and 5 pass votes. This happened with additional language tacked on that is unrelated to birth centers. Kentucky Birth Coalition was not a part of the added language. All of the original birth center portion of the bill remains unchanged. To read the full bill with the added language, click here

Shortly thereafter, the House of Representatives voted to concur with the changes made in the Senate by a vote of 74-17. The bill now rests with Governor Andy Beshear who can sign the bill into law, veto it, or allow the bill to become law without his signature.

The birth center portion of HB90 removes the certificate of need requirement for freestanding birth centers with four or fewer beds. It also sets requirements such as accreditation by the Commission for the Accreditation of Birth Centers.

Learn more about HB90 here.