Blog Posts

Patrick, born at home in London, KY

I had been given two different due dates that were over 10 days apart during the course of my pregnancy, so I really had no expectation of when our baby would arrive. When I was woken up by contractions at 7am on Monday morning (right between my two due dates), I was super excited! Craig had already left for work, so I figured that I should stay in bed and rest while I could. By 8am, I realized I would…

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Remy John, born at home in Lexington

I seem to be completely unaware of what is going on with my body. That, combined with the fact that we weren’t trying to get pregnant resulted in my husband realizing I was pregnant before me. I was shocked when the pregnancy test was positive. I certainly couldn’t imagine life with a toddler and a business that totally relied on me. But, none of that mattered anymore, we were having a baby! I seem bombarded by many stressors during this…

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Brigid’s Kentucky Birth

I floated through several more contractions, none of them as painful as the very first ones I had with Graham. About thirty minutes later, I felt them get more acute and pointed in the front of my stomach. I’d had such awful back labor with Graham that this was a new feeling. It wasn’t awful, but it was enough that I said, “Owwwwwwwwwww” through it and them, “Okay, that one really really hurt.” Please head over to Brigid’s blog to…

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