Blog Posts

Winter Auction 2021 – Call for Donations

Donations requested by December 1. It is time once again for our most popular fundraiser! Our next online auction will be December 4-11, 2021. Proceeds from the online auction provide a major funding source for our advocacy during the coming year. Because of our work, Kentucky now has 28 Licensed Certified Professional Midwives and counting, and we continue working to pave the way for freestanding birth centers in our state! This is a great opportunity to get statewide (and beyond!)…

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The Home Birth of Heath Gabriel

I dropped my husband off at a favorite local coffee shop for him to study for an upcoming actuarial exam. As he was opening the car door I said, “Just so you know, I’ve been having contractions all morning 10 minutes apart. You’re phone isn’t on silent, right?” April 28th was my actual due date. Who has their baby ON their due date?

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