
Finding a Home Birth Provider in Kentucky

Use the map below to locate a licensed provider attending home births in your area.  The providers listed here are licensed in Kentucky or in the process of becoming licensed. There may be other non-licensed providers in your area who are not listed. To find additional providers, you will need to speak with individuals in your area as word of mouth and personal recommendations are the best way to find other providers. A few online resources are listed below the…

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Obtaining a Birth Certificate & Social Security Card for Home Birth Babies

Updated September 12, 2020 Obtaining a birth certificate and social security number for your born at home baby is usually a simple process. In Kentucky, as of July 15, 2020 this process is completed through the state Office of Vital Statistics in Frankfort. Prior to this date, it was completed in each county through the Vital Statistics Registrar at the county health department. If your birth was attended by a licensed provider such as an LCPM, CNM, or a physician,…

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Switching from Hospital to Home Birth during KY’s COVID-19 Outbreak

If you have planned a hospital birth but are now considering home birth due to the COVID-19 virus or the recent change in your hospital’s support person/visitor policy, this post is for you! Planning a home birth for the first time will have you asking lots of questions, but quickly switching to a planned home birth during a pandemic is an entirely different predicament. The first question many ask is, “Where do I find a midwife?” or, “Is home birth…

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