Kentucky Birth Coalition

Ada’s Birth Story

Robin Weiss is a local homebirthing mom, and a internationally-respected authority on all things pregnancy, labor, and birth. Check out the birth story of her seventh child, Ada, on her website. Thanks, Robin, for letting us share your story! “I remember thinking how awful being in the car was and I jokingly told Kevin that I had homebirths so I could avoid the whole car ride thing. He laughed and said he was enjoying that he finally got to do…

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The Birth of Thomas Andrew

Thank you, Amy, for sharing your Kentucky Home Birth Story. This story begins weeks before my due date. I was feeling particularly sick of being pregnant. This is a feeling I was not  unfamiliar with, but I had hit the proverbial wall much sooner than in previous pregnancies. A combination of fatigue, extreme heartburn, pelvic pain, and being the primary caregiver for two young children likely contributed. I’m not a huge fan of cervical checks before the due date because…

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