Kentucky Birth Coalition

Auction Preview

Our online fundraising auction starts on November 14th! We plan to introduce a bill to the Kentucky state legislature in January 2016.  Our auction proceeds will fund a lobbyist to help our bill successfully move through the House and Senate and be enacted into law. We pursue this goal in order to: ensure the health and well-being of Kentucky families that choose out-of-hospital birth expand access to the evidence-based, quality maternity care provided by CPMs protect the rights of Kentucky women…

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Teagan’s Birth Story

Thank you, Genevieve, for sharing Teagan’s birth story! On March 28, 2014, Jared and I found out we were pregnant with baby #3! We were thrilled! After an early ultrasound, we were given a ‘due date’ of November 25th. On November 13, I took my 2 girls (5, and barely 2) to meet my Mom for lunch and then go to the Goodwill. I had been having some contractions throughout the morning, but they weren’t serious. After walking around in…

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Things are Moving!

Wow!  There are so many exciting things happening with Kentucky Home Birth Coalition that you need to know! First, we have hired a lobbyist firm to assist us in achieving our goal of seeing legislation passed to license Certified Professional Midwives in Kentucky.  Jason Baird and Jack Hillard make up Limestone Group, and their combined 40 years of experience in government solutions will greatly assist us in navigating the legislative waters.  We’ve only been working with them for a few…

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