Kentucky Birth Coalition

The Birth of Mason

Thank you, Morgan, for sharing Mason’s birth story with us!   The Birth of Mason Matthew Mitchell I’ve had a lot of time to think about this post.  Still, it’s difficult to put into words the whole experience of the day Mason was born and really capture my feeling of it.  But I’ll do my best. To my baby boy… Tuesday, November 22nd 2011 started out the same way that all of my other Tuesdays had in the recent past.…

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Kentucky Birth Coalition Logo

Is home birth legal in Kentucky?

One question we are frequently asked is whether or not it is legal to have a home birth in Kentucky. The short answer is YES, it is legal to have a home birth in Kentucky.  There are no laws in Kentucky that specify where a baby can or cannot be born. We’ve all seen a news story where a baby is born on the side of the road while on the way to the hospital (or some similar story). It…

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International Day of the Midwife: Give $5 on 5/5

Tuesday, May 5 is International Day of the Midwife.  The International Confederation of Midwives, who champions this day each year, says that “the International Day of the Midwife engages stakeholders across the world with local activities of midwives associations as well as a virtual campaign advocating for investment in midwives and midwifery globally resulting in the well-being of mothers and newborns.” What better way to celebrate International Day of the Midwife than with a contribution to the Kentucky Home Birth Coalition? So…

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