Blog Posts

HB 578 Hearing – March 17

Our House bill, HB 578, has been referred to the House Health and Welfare Committee. We are on the agenda for March 17 at Noon. You are invited to attend and show your support! Bring anyone and everyone, including children and babies. We will have stickers for everyone to wear. SPECIFIC LOCATION– Capitol Annex Building (directly behind the Capitol building), Room 169. Directions to the Capitol and parking information Every citizen is invited to attend– moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents,…

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Kami’s Birth Story

Thank you, Kim, for sharing your Kentucky Home Birth Story! My first child was born in June 2009 in a teaching hospital in St. Louis, MO. The experience was so traumatic that I swore I would never have another baby in a hospital ever again. A year later when I became pregnant with my daughter, we were living in Kentucky. I looked for a birth center but soon found out there were no birth centers in Kentucky. I then met…

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Lobbying Day #3

KHBC is holding another lobbying day in Frankfort! We will be meeting face to face with legislators to discuss SB85 & HB578. Our specific focus for this lobbying day will be Men for Midwives. While we absolutely still want all women, kids, and babies to attend, we also want legislators to see that men also care about this issue. We want all dads, grandpas, brothers, uncles, sons, friends, all men to attend and talk to legislators about SB85 and HB578.…

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