
Recap of Joint Interim L&O Meeting

On Friday, June 10, the Kentucky Home Birth Coalition was invited to present to the Joint Interim Committee on Licensing and Occupations. This committee is comprised of legislators who sit on the Licensing and Occupations Committees in both the House and Senate. During the interim period when the legislature is not in session, committees from both chambers meet jointly to learn about issues that will be presented in the coming session. About a dozen home birth supporters were present as…

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First Annual Kentucky Birth Summit, a fundraiser for KHBC, a success!

by Victoria Wilson Surrounded by midwives, nurses, doulas, childbirth educators, and mothers I noticed the atmosphere felt decidedly woman-centric. And right. Why had we gathered? On a cool May evening, nationally known birth experiences and local treasures Rebecca Dekker, PhD, RN, APRN and Cristen Pascucci hosted a group of about thirty for the first annual Kentucky Birth Summit to hear board-certified continuing education lectures on Group B Strep, PROM, Newborn Procedures, and the Legal Rights of Childbearing Families. Hosted by…

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HB 578 Hearing – March 17

Our House bill, HB 578, has been referred to the House Health and Welfare Committee. We are on the agenda for March 17 at Noon. You are invited to attend and show your support! Bring anyone and everyone, including children and babies. We will have stickers for everyone to wear. SPECIFIC LOCATION– Capitol Annex Building (directly behind the Capitol building), Room 169. Directions to the Capitol and parking information Every citizen is invited to attend– moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents,…

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