
Tips for calling the Legislative Message Line

Calling the Legislative Message Line is an easy way to leave a message for legislators regarding SB106: “the midwives bill” or any other legislation. The toll-free Legislative Message Line: 1-800-372-7181  is only for leaving messages, you can not be transferred to speak to your legislator directly.  To do that, call the LRC at 502-564-8100 and ask for the specific legislator you wish to speak with.

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More senate co-sponsors needed!

Senator Denise Harper Angel is now a co-sponsor for SB106! The more co-sponsors we get for the bill the better position we are in for making progress. With this in mind here is a weekend project: Write a letter to your state senator asking them to co-sponsor SB106! If you are a constituent of Senator Buford or Harper-Angel you can turn the letter into a thank you note! Click here for a link to the “how to” letter writing guide.…

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SB106- “The Midwives Bill” !!!

We have great news! Yesterday our bill was introduced in the Senate by our sponsor Senator Tom Buford! “the midwives bill” is officially SB106! Now is the time when YOU can make a difference. We will need your voice throughout this whole process… here is what we need you to do TODAY: call the legislative message line 1-800-372-7181, the operator will ask for your name, address, phone number and message. Tell the operator you want to leave a message for…

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