2024 Legislation Recap

The 2024 legislative session has ended. Read a recap of how things finished for our priority issues.

2024 Legislation Recap

Learn About 2024 Legislation

Read about our 2024 legislation.

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Birth Certificates

Need info on obtaining a birth certificate for a baby born at home? Check here for more.

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Visit Our Etsy Shop

A fun way to support KHBC is through our Etsy shop. Browse the original crochet patterns and craft items.  Are you a crafter? Contact us to donate items to our shop!

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Find out how you can help in the effort to license CPMs in Kentucky.

Birth Stories

Read real-life birth stories from Kentucky residents.

Birth Stories

Eldon’s Birth Story

Thank you, Briana, for sharing your Louisville-area home birth story. The Birth of Eldon If only we could write our birth stories before the birth, you know, back when we had time for such frivolities as writing.  But since that’s impossible, here I am, nearly a year post-birth, finally writing about it. Where does this birth story begin?  When I first found out I was pregnant?  When I told my partner and his bliss met my nervousness?  When I first felt like something was…

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Big news! Our bill was officially filed today lekarna-slovenija.com! Our bill is SB85.             You can reference that bill number when talking to your senator. Check it out in its entirety online here: http://www.lrc.ky.gov/record/16RS/SB85.htm

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Join us in Frankfort!

Wednesday, January 13  8:30 AM – 1:00 PM KHBC is holding a lobbying day in Frankfort! We will have a meeting room reserved and we want as many supporters as possible from all across the state to join us. Our specific meeting location will be: The Capitol Annex Building (directly behind the Capitol) Room 113- this room will be our “home base.” Please watch for updates in case our room changes. Click here for directions and parking information. We will…

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