2024 Legislation Recap

The 2024 legislative session has ended. Read a recap of how things finished for our priority issues.

2024 Legislation Recap

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Birth Certificates

Need info on obtaining a birth certificate for a baby born at home? Check here for more.

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Birth Stories

Read real-life birth stories from Kentucky residents.

Birth Stories

Liam’s Birth Story

Thank you, Jimi for sharing your central-Kentucky Home Birth story! At 11pm, October 17, 2010, I was saying goodnight to my husband. He was rubbing my belly and telling our baby that any time now would be OK to be born. I was having Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing regular or even intense. I told him I felt our time was up for maternity photos. It seemed any day our child would come. Not today, mind you, but soon. The…

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Magnolia’s Birth Story

Thank you to Erin for sharing her Louisville-area home birth story. Pregnant with my 4th baby, with 3 little girls underfoot, the question on everyone’s mind was “is this a boy?”  Every friend, family member, and stranger we came across wanted to know.  But, we didn’t know the answer until a beautiful Sunday morning in July. We found out we were pregnant in mid-November of 2012.  I have a history of faint positives on the tests, so when I tested…

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The birth of Grace Adele

Thank you, Jocelyn, for sharing the home birth story of Grace Adele!  Grace was born in Science Hill, (Pulaski County), Kentucky. The empowering birth of Grace Adele From the first day we were aware of this pregnancy, I firmly declared that this birth would be different. I knew that I would do everything in my power to make it that way and it was. In the weeks leading up to my estimated due date, we anticipated that I would likely…

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