
Auction Preview

Our online fundraising auction starts on November 14th! We plan to introduce a bill to the Kentucky state legislature in January 2016.  Our auction proceeds will fund a lobbyist to help our bill successfully move through the House and Senate and be enacted into law. We pursue this goal in order to: ensure the health and well-being of Kentucky families that choose out-of-hospital birth expand access to the evidence-based, quality maternity care provided by CPMs protect the rights of Kentucky women…

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Online Auction 2014 – Call for Donations

The Kentucky Home Birth Coalition is excited to announce our second online fundraising auction November 15 – 22, 2014.  Proceeds from the online auction will provide a major funding source for our advocacy activities during the 2015 Kentucky legislative session.  One of our major goals is to hire a lobbyist to assist in our efforts to pass legislation that would see Kentucky issue licenses to Certified Professional Midwives.  Our 2013 auction was extremely successful and raised over $3,000. As a supporter…

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Give $5 on 5/5! International Day of the Midwife

Monday, May 5 is International Day of the Midwife.  The International Confederation of Midwives, who champions this day each year, says that “the International Day of the Midwife engages stakeholders across the world with local activities of midwives associations as well as a virtual campaign advocating for investment in midwives and midwifery globally resulting in the wellbeing of mothers and newborns.” What better way to celebrate International Day of the Midwife than with a contribution to the Kentucky Home Birth Coalition? So…

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