2024 Legislation Recap

The 2024 legislative session has ended. Read a recap of how things finished for our priority issues.

2024 Legislation Recap

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Meeting with legislators… the inside scoop

With the Kentucky Home Birth Coalition’s first Lobby Day behind us, we want to encourage you to join us at the Capitol.  We understand that job schedules and parenting commitments may keep many from joining us, but we want to emphasize how easy (and dare we say… fun!) it is to meet with your legislator.   Just How Easy Is it?  Glad you asked! 1. Call your State Senator and ask to schedule a meeting on our Lobby Day.* Find…

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Next Lobbying Day Scheduled for February

KHBC is holding another lobbying day in Frankfort! We want as many supporters as possible from all across the state to join us. Invite your friends! Join us in the Capitol Annex Building (directly behind the Capitol) Room 125 – this room will be our “home base.” Please watch our facebook event page for updates in case our room changes! We will be meeting face to face with Senators to discuss our bill. This is the perfect time to meet…

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Lobby Day: re-cap

We had SUCH a good day in Frankfort! Roughly 25 constituents showed up at the capital and met with their State Senators.  Throughout the day, we saw positive response from at least a dozen senators, and verbal commitments of co-sponsorship from at least 9!  By the end of the day, two Senators had official co-sponsored SB85!  The Kentucky Home Birth Coalition also was introduced during the Health & Welfare Committee Meeting by our bill sponsor, Senator Buford.      …

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