2024 Legislation Recap

The 2024 legislative session has ended. Read a recap of how things finished for our priority issues.

2024 Legislation Recap

Learn About 2024 Legislation

Read about our 2024 legislation.

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Birth Certificates

Need info on obtaining a birth certificate for a baby born at home? Check here for more.

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A fun way to support KHBC is through our Etsy shop. Browse the original crochet patterns and craft items.  Are you a crafter? Contact us to donate items to our shop!

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Find out how you can help in the effort to license CPMs in Kentucky.

Birth Stories

Read real-life birth stories from Kentucky residents.

Birth Stories

The Birth of Aleighna

Thank you, Courtney, for sharing the Home Birth Story (and video!) of Aleighna.      Birth is such an amazing experience. Unfortunately it can be a traumatic and disappointing for some women. Many women get forced to have interventions that aren’t necessarily medically needed. To make a long story short I have experienced a c-section with my first child because of a breech presentation but got to experience a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) with my second child which was amazing…

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Trouble Keeping Up?

If you’re following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and on our blog posts, then we hope you’re aware that, as of today, SB85 has 16 co-sponsors. We are promoting our latest Call To Action in addition to our on-going letter writing campaigns, and Social Media project Selfies for SB85.  We are meeting with Senators, traveling to Frankfort, scheduling our Lobbying Day, awaiting our Hearing, and so much more. Every few days, we have been able to announce a new Co-Sponsor,…

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February 9th Update & Call To Action

As our volunteers arrive home from Frankfort today and settle in, we want to share the Good, the Bad, and the To Do’s with our supporters. The Good is that we have 2 new co-sponsors: Senators Wise and Embry!  Please thank them for their support! The Bad is that our hearing in the Health & Welfare committee is NOT going to be tomorrow. Mary Kathryn spoke directly with the committee chair, Sen. Julie Raque Adams, and she indicated that our…

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