2024 Legislation Recap

The 2024 legislative session has ended. Read a recap of how things finished for our priority issues.

2024 Legislation Recap

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Birth Certificates

Need info on obtaining a birth certificate for a baby born at home? Check here for more.

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Birth Stories

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Birth Stories

Senate Health and Welfare Hearing – TBA

We need You! IMPORTANT NOTICE: Our lobbyists met with the Health and Welfare Committee Chair on Friday morning (2/5). While she remains very supportive of our bill, it was not 100% certain that our bill WILL be on the agenda for 2/10. We  found out Tuesday that SB85 will NOT be heard on the 10th. We know many people have made special arrangements with work, childcare, and travel to attend on 2/10. We are now planning — tentatively — for…

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Week End Review

Whew!  Let us catch our breath, and we’ll catch you up! Last Friday, Kentucky Home Birth Coalition volunteer Mary Duke was interviewed on Bowling Green’s WBKO Midday Newscast.  If you missed it, it’s a must-see! On Wednesday, several KHBC volunteers, our lobbyists, and constituents went to Frankfort to discuss SB85 with our state Senators.  We had several supporters speak to legislators and also attend the Senate Health & Welfare meeting. Check out this footage from 2:21 until 2:47 when Senator Givens…

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