
We have news….

Today, House Bill 578 was introduced. What is HB578? House Bill 578, or “HB578” is what is known as a “companion bill” to Senate Bill 85.  Both bills have essentially identical content, but HB578 is starting in the House of Representatives, whereas SB85 began in the Senate. Why two bills? Having two bills gives us two “chances” to pass legislation.  Each bill has to pass through its respective starting chamber (which can involve several steps along the way, as we’ve…

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February 9th Update & Call To Action

As our volunteers arrive home from Frankfort today and settle in, we want to share the Good, the Bad, and the To Do’s with our supporters. The Good is that we have 2 new co-sponsors: Senators Wise and Embry!  Please thank them for their support! The Bad is that our hearing in the Health & Welfare committee is NOT going to be tomorrow. Mary Kathryn spoke directly with the committee chair, Sen. Julie Raque Adams, and she indicated that our…

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