2024 Legislation Recap

The 2024 legislative session has ended. Read a recap of how things finished for our priority issues.

2024 Legislation Recap

Learn About 2024 Legislation

Read about our 2024 legislation.

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Birth Certificates

Need info on obtaining a birth certificate for a baby born at home? Check here for more.

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Find out how you can help in the effort to license CPMs in Kentucky.

Birth Stories

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Birth Stories

Lobbying Day #3

KHBC is holding another lobbying day in Frankfort! We will be meeting face to face with legislators to discuss SB85 & HB578. Our specific focus for this lobbying day will be Men for Midwives. While we absolutely still want all women, kids, and babies to attend, we also want legislators to see that men also care about this issue. We want all dads, grandpas, brothers, uncles, sons, friends, all men to attend and talk to legislators about SB85 and HB578.…

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We have news….

Today, House Bill 578 was introduced. What is HB578? House Bill 578, or “HB578” is what is known as a “companion bill” to Senate Bill 85.  Both bills have essentially identical content, but HB578 is starting in the House of Representatives, whereas SB85 began in the Senate. Why two bills? Having two bills gives us two “chances” to pass legislation.  Each bill has to pass through its respective starting chamber (which can involve several steps along the way, as we’ve…

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Patrick’s Birth Story

We are excited to share this London, KY home birth story! I had been given two different due dates that were over 10 days apart during the course of my pregnancy, so I really had no expectation of when our baby would arrive. When I was woken up by contractions at 7am on Monday morning (right between my two due dates), I was super excited! Craig had already left for work, so I figured that I should stay in bed…

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